Greetings to the CareerStart 2025
Michael Kretschmer
Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony
"Skilled workers desperately needed" is a constant refrain. If you are looking for them, if you want to train them now or if you want to start your own business, KarriereStart in Dresden is the right place for you in 2025. I am convinced that careers can really take off there, because Saxony simply offers the best opportunities with its wide range of industries and training paths.
Our Saxon semiconductor industry, for example, is growing rapidly. By 2030, a further 25,000 specialists and managers are expected to join us. This will be achieved with trainees and students from all over the world.
What I am particularly pleased about: in January 2025, the Berufsakademie will become the Duale Hochschule Sachsen. This will once again greatly enhance the value of practice-integrated studies in Saxony and make them more attractive for students, employers and lecturers.
Saxony is and remains a good place for start-ups. Some become self-employed with an idea from cutting-edge research or the creative industries, others take over a traditional industrial or craft business. They all receive expert advice and strong encouragement at KarriereStart.
The opening of KarriereStart in January is always an important date for me. I very much appreciate the commitment of the Ortec trade fairs and the many exhibitors. I wish them all, as well as the visitors, good encounters and new impetus for the educational and career path in Saxony.
Michael Kretschmer
Minister President of the Free State of Saxony
Photo source: State Chancellery